i have this friend.
he's lovely. and charming. and that's not sarcasm, because he really is my friend.
but, as with all people including myself, he has faults:
when it comes to music, he compltely forgets subjectivity.
for instance, when muse came out with black holes and revelations, i thought it was great, and comparable in quality to previous albums, such as my former fave, absolution. i imagine, if they released it, they thought it was as good as, if not an improvement upon, their past work. i would think this is what most bands believe when they release new material.
this friend, however, said about black holes and revelations:
"oh, no. i don't like the new one. it's clearly inferior to their former releases."
yeah, i brought the owl.
clear to everyone or just to you?
so: at which point does someone's opinion count as THE opinion?
this is why i have trouble believing negative reviews about albums. i really don't put much stock into them because sometimes i really like stuff that no one else does.
and you know what?
i am okay with that.
call me miss positive contrarian, but i like it this way.
march to your own 'crappy' beat, darnit.
even if it's mel c. ;)
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